Video transcript:
Maybe I’ve been out of the loop for a while, or I just don’t really care, but I keep hearing people talk about “John and Kate.” Who are these people?
John Mayer and Kate Winslet?
John Madden and Kate Moss?
Nope. John is Jon Gosselin, a guy who can’t seem to keep it in his pants and Kate is his wife who pops kids out like English Muffins from a toaster at a busy diner.
These breeders have made it into everyday conversation and their own television show by having twins and sextuplets. What amazes me is that American’s watch it, talk about it, and seem to enjoy eavesdropping into this couple’s dysfunctional life, and now their pending separation, divorce, reunion, whatever.
Next up on the gravy train is the Octomom. The woman who had a litter of kids and is next in line for a reality TV show. Here is yet another wacked out member of society who is going to become the fascination of thousands in prime time.
While millions are unemployed and praying that they can scrape enough money together for tonight’s dinner, we have people like these making boatloads of money because of irresponsible behavior. What’s even scarier is that there are millions of people out there completely infatuated with the goings on in these people’s lives that major news outlets cover their every move as if they were the royal family.
If this is the kind of so-called entertainment we have to look forward to on television from now on, I feel sorry for all of us.