Let’s go back to last Wednesday. I took my one 9 year old Chihuahua, Freckles, to the vet. She was scheduled to have a hernia operation and I dropped her off in the morning and was to pick her up in the afternoon. No biggie. As part of the pre-op, they were going to do blood work to make sure she was healthy enough to take anesthesia.
About a half hour after I dropped her off I got the first batch of bad news. Her liver levels were very high and they needed to put her on an IV to see if that would repair whatever damage to her liver had occurred. She was to stay in the hospital until Monday, when they would re-test her to see if the IV therapy helped.
Unfortunately, Monday morning her liver failed, she went into a coma and passed away.
Freckles was such a happy dog. I rescued her from a breeder who probably bred her one too many times. After adopting her, I took her to the vet to have her spayed. I was told at that time, that if I didn’t spay her, she would have died within months. That was 5 years ago.
Freckles was a cuddler. No matter where you were, no matter what you were doing, she wanted to be with you. Always on your lap, licking your face and being a little jealous when either Baby or Peanut would come around for some attention. Every time I would take a shower, she would sit outside the shower waiting for me to come out so she could lick the warm water off my legs.
My sweet little girl will be missed and not just by me. Her best friend, Peanut, was depressed from the moment I took her to the vet last week. He simply wasn’t himself. He wouldn’t come for his treat, didn’t want to go outside, just wanted to lay on the bed and wait for his friend to come home. Unfortunately, she never did.
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Peanut is doing much better and is back to his normal self once again, but both him and Baby know something is different. After all, they were living for each other.
The past several months I have endured so much pain in my life I’m a bit numb. When I got the call that she passed away, I cried, and I cried and I cried. I beat myself up for not being able to hold her one last time or give her one last kiss goodbye. I know that things like this I have no control over and that it’s all part of the circle of life and you must move on.
I will miss Freckles tremendously, but I have plenty of memories and I know that the life that I have given her she would have never had anywhere else.
This is the second dog that has crossed the famed Rainbow Bridge. The first one I lost was another Chihuahua, Donald. Losing a pet is not easy, trust me. But I have Peanut and Baby to take comfort in.
After I received the news of Freckle’s passing, I was driving…… TO BE CONTINUED.