When it comes to product development, you have to think of everything. From manufacturing something that’s safe to use in different environments, to what happens if it accidently gets ingested by a little human or a pet, right down to making sure what you’re making doesn’t resemble a male or female sex organ.
Yesterday, the Internet blew up larger than Kim Kardashian’s behind, over a gaffe with a component to the Play-Doh Sweet Shoppe Cake Mountain playset where you can “stack up the fun at your very own Play-Doh birthday cake extravaganza!”

It seems the designers of the toy had fun in mind when they designed the “2-piece extruder” which has an uncanny resemblance to a penis.

Kids all across the country were excited to unwrap their gifts on Christmas morning and I’m sure smiles were on their faces when they saw the colorful toy which allows them to make a cake or muffins out of the different colored modeling compound. Some parents on the other hand were not too thrilled with the phallic like device included in the box, while others got a good laugh out of it.

Play-Doh’s Facebook page was filling up quickly with complaints from angry parents about the Play-Doh penis, while others took it in stride quickly dubbing it the Dil-Doh.
A few parents said their Christmas was ruined by the unexpected dick in a box.
I can’t see why.
I find it kind of amusing.
Amusing enough that I had to run out to Target this morning and pick up two of the toys to see for myself.

Pop open!
Just some of the directions on the box.
Included with the kit is Play-Doh Plus with a “softer, smother texture” that’s “easier to squeeze.” Just when you think it can’t get any better than this, the penis shaped extruder creates “realistic looking ‘frosting’.”

If the marketing person who wrote this copy is reading this, please accept this virtual handshake and a “well played” as my endorsement on a job well done.
In response to angry parents, Play-Doh issued a statement on Facebook saying, “we have heard some consumer feedback about the extruder tool in the Play-Doh Cake Mountain playset and are in the process of updating all future Play-Doh products with a different tool. Should any consumer want a replacement extruder for this item, they can contact Hasbro’s Customer Service Department at 800-327-8264.”
The social media people who manage that page have been quick to remove angry comments, and as quick as they’re taken down, the faster more and more pop up.
Now that I’ve made my $43 purchase of two Play-Doh Cake Mountain playsets, it’s time to rip one open and see what all the hullabaloo is about:

What do you have to say? Would you be upset over this component or would you take it in stride and laugh it off?